Installing NAS Server with RaspberryPi

Wire Article Published by thuvalpakshi on 10, Sun Sep 2023
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Created on : 10, Sun Sep 2023

I was using a RaspberryPi for server testing for the last few years. Since I am not doing any more development I thought I would use the RaspberryPi some unique way. Hence I desided to make a NAS server with RaspPi and a SSD drive which is no longer in use.

I have tried first Easy NAS which i didnt like very much, Its pretty simple and efficient. it has inbulid rasbian ISO Image which you need to flash to a memory card. For flashing I used RaspberryPi Imager which is available for both windows and linux from their website..

My aim was to make a media server along with NAS. So I desided to download and try OpenMediaVault. They have ISO image for PCs not for RaspberryPi. For RasPi we need to install it mannually.

1. First you need to flash the Memory card with Raspian Lite OS x64Bit

2. After flashing card you need to start RasPi and this OS has no GUI. So login with username and password and do some sudo commands

3. first thing to do is sudo apt-get update

4. then sudo apt-get upgrade

5. After successfull upgradation do the following sudo wget -O - | sudo bash

This will install OpenMediaVault.

default username/password is admin/openmediavault.. Enjoy

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